G. Narahari SastryFNA, FNASc, FASc, FRSC
Professor (HAG scale)
Fifth Paradigm Lab
Deaprtment of Biotechnology
Indian Institute of Technology(IIT), Hyderabad,India
Email: gnsastry@bt.iith.ac.in, gnsastry@gmail.com, gns@gnsastry.com
Website: https://gnsastry.com/
Former Director, CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat, Assam, India
Former Professor, Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research(AcSIR), India
Former Adjunct Professor, Department of Biotechnology, IIT, Hyderabad
Former Adjunct Professor, Department of Computational Biology, IIIT, Delhi
Former Adjunct Professor, NIPER, Kolkata, India
We are looking forward to recruit PhDs and PostDocs
The website is under construction
GNS is working in the interdisciplinary areas of chemistry, biology, bioinformatics, material science, artificial intelligence and machine learning. In the last decade, GNS group is involved in developing and indigenous software which aims to strengthen the computational drug discovery, and thereby working towards Aatma Nirbhar Bharat. He has led a number of diverse research programs which are of both fundamental and applied importance. Dr. Sastry is also involved in a number of outreach programs and widely travelled across the globe and has visited over 25 countries. His stays as a visiting professor (faculty) in Japan, USA, Germany and Switzerland, besides several short visits to attend and organize meetings abroad has established a strong relationship in building international collaborations across the disciplines. The goal is to work towards revitalizing the strength of science and technology in achieving self-reliance and strongly believe that the industrial revolutions were not fully utilized by our Nation, and I believe that the India should focus on how to emerge as a global leader in Industry 4.0 and 5.0.

Research Interest
- Theoretical/Computational Chemistry
- Bioinformatics
- Computer Aided Drug Design
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
- Software Development
- Molecular Modeling
Scientific Contribution
Prof. Sastry is a well know researchers in the field of non-covalent interaction, Bucky bowl chemistry, aromaticity, pericyclic reaction. He has made a great contribution in open-source software development in the field of Computer Aided Drug Discovery, databases, web servers, all the resources developed by his group are freely accessible to the scientific community. His group has published more than 300 research articles in reputed journals with an active average impact factor. Most of his papers are well cited with the citation score 12,672 an h-index of 54, and an i10-index of 235, as per the google scholar. His group has mainly contributed and maintained various web-based platforms and databases like a) MPDS (for several diseases), b) CAD, c) A2ID, d) PLID e) NEI-MPDB, f) OSADHI.
- Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize 2011(considered as the highest national recognition in science)
- Prestigious J.C. Bose National Fellowship by DST, 2015
- National Bioscience Award of DBT, 2009 (considered as the highest national recognition in Life Sciences)
- Swarnajayanthi Fellow of DST, 2005
- CRSI Medal for excellence in basic research, 2009
- B. C. Deb Memorial Award for Soil/ Physical Chemistry, Indian Science Congress, 2008
- B. M. Birla Science prize in Chemistry, 2001
- Alexander Von Humboldt Fellow, 2006
- Indian Institute of Chemical Technology (IICT) Roll of Honour
- IICT Gaurav Sanman
- Best Performance Award for publishing with highest Individual Impact factor in IICT
- CRSI Silver Medal for the year 2024
- Lifetime achievement award (2024) for excellence in teaching and research from BIOCLUES.
- Fellow of Indian National Science Academy (FNA)
- Fellow of Indian Academy of Sciences (FASc)
- Fellow of National Academy of Sciences India (FNASc)
- Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC)
- Fellow of Biotech Research Society, India (FBRSI)
- Fellow of Telangana Academy of Sciences (FTAS, Founder Fellow)
- Fellow of Andhra Pradesh Akademie of Sciences (FAPAS)
- Fellow of Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy (FABP)
- Life member of World Association of Theoretically Oriented Chemists (WATOC); b) American Chemical Society (ACS); c) Asia-Pacific Conference of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry (APCTCC)
- International Advisory Board, International Conferences on Noncovalent Interactions (ICNI)
- Life member of Chemical Research Society of India (CRSI)
- Life member of Andhra Pradesh Akademi of Sciences
- Life member of Indian Biophysical Society
- Life member of Bioinformatics and Drug Discovery Society (BIDDS)
- President and Life member of BIOinformaticsCLUb for Experimenting Scientists (BIOCLUES)
- International Advisory Board, Non-covalent Interactions Conference